Friday, 4 January 2013

Building at Kyampisi

Our final week in Uganda saw us busy again at the building site. We finished off the brickwork around the developing foundations of the new Medical Clinic and filled it with soil (in readiness for pouring the slab next week).

Again, the whole process would have been a lot easier with a bobcat, but this isn't how things are done in Africa.

The final stages of the slab include laying stones (initially quite big and then progressively smaller) on top of the levelled soil and then boxing up and laying concrete over all this. This process will take much of next week - in readiness for the team from Bundaberg who arrive in about a month!

The other project saw us build and fill the columns for the primary classroom. There is still quite a bit of work to be done here in readiness for the erection of the elevated slab. Once this is poured a team will be able to brick the top three classrooms - very exciting!

All that's required is money! If you feel you're in a position to donate to this worthwhile project, I can assure you that it would be greatly appreciated! If you're not sure who to speak with, just call me and I'll put you in touch with the right people.

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