To cut a long story short, we didn't end up commencing our training until around 11am and there were only about 8 teachers. Interestinglly we had close to our full measure of participants by about 12pm. It was actually quite difficult welcoming new teachers every 15 minutes while also keeping the program moving along.
Another challenge took the form of lunch - about 30 minutes prior to the time we had planned to break for lunch I was becoming increasingly concerned that I hadn't seen anyone cooking outside. When I enquiried into this I discovered that there was a good reason for this - the ingredients were yet to be purchased. After a quick dip into my wallet, the matter was resolved.
At close to 2pm we were able to break for lunch. I think everyone was pretty tired after such a long first session.
Following lunch Jamie, Anna, Dale and I ran a planning session with the assembled teachers. In an attempt to facilitate some strategic planning, we asked them to draw the design of a new school at Kyampisi. The teachers worked in small groups drawing their design on butchers paper. After about 45 minutes of discussion, each group presented their design and explained the reasons behind their respective decisions.
The day concluded in prayer.
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