Thursday saw us laying bricks at the Kyampisi primary school in the morning and dedicating the new well in the afternoon.
The dedication service involved speeches from the Director of KCM, a team member of KCM, the Chairman of Kyampisi, the Consulting Engineer for the project and me. To be honest I can only tell you what I said, as the other speeches were all spoken in Lugandan. Having said that, it was pretty clear that everyone was very proud of their efforts and lavish in their praise to those involved.
I spoke about the Biblical concept of 'Living Water' and how thrilled the community of Bundaberg was to be partnering with Kyampisi by providing a source of clean water for all. I declared the area as holy ground and dedicated it to the glory of God.
Following the formalities of speeches and prayers, Peter Sewakiryanga initiated a water fight and I don't believe there was a dry shirt to be found.
After a hot day I can assure you that the water was greatly appreciated.
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