Friday, 2 November 2012

New Camera

Unfortunately our new camera, bought with the safari in mind, has sustained an injury. It looks like the inner lens has a star in it. When focussing, the image has a large blur at its centre and the colours are not true to life. Basically, there is no point in using the camera and unfortunately there is no Fuji dealer in Uganda. We'll certainly get it fixed on our return to Australia - but that's not much good to us here!

Interestingly there is a Canon dealership in Kampala, so had we chosen the Canon camera (which we very nearly did), we could have arranged for its repair whilst here in Uganda. Isn't it amazing how some things pan out?

Interestingly, the last photo shoot using the new camera was during the witch doctor ceremony at Mpigi about three weeks ago. Both Peter and I believe he may be in some way responsible for the damage.

The camera has always lived in the camera bag and has only been used by me since we've arrived. As it's been well looked after it does beckon the question about the influence of the witch doctor?

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