Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Bbira Awards and Graduation

Friday saw the whole family drive to Bbira for their Annual Awards Presentation and Senior 6 Graduation Ceremony.

The drive along the northern bypass proved slow. What took about 30 minutes on Thursday morning took nearly 2 hours on Friday - courtesy of a traffic jam caused by an increased number of vehicles on the road due to heavy rain on Friday morning.

On arrival we were met by Hafusa. She must have remembered that we were coming as a family and she wanted to be the first to meet us.

The Awards ceremony commenced with the corporate singing of the Ugandan National Anthem and the corporate reciting of the Watoto Prayer and Watoto Vision Statement.

After a short welcome from the Master of Ceremonies, 5 senior students led us in corporate worship.

Following a short (sharp and shiny) message from Ivan, the Head Teacher of Hope Secondary the official awards presentation began.

Following speeches from the Principal of the two Bbira schools (Maureen) and the Acting Education Team Leader (Winnie) the awards presentation continued.

Other highlights included performances from the students. One performance, a contemporary dance routine, really stole the show!

Following an opportunity to mingle around the Watoto grounds viewing the various displays (Art class, Cooking class, Sewing class and the Environmental club) we enjoyed lunch - matoke, rice and beans - in the Secondary staffroom.

Following lunch we were invited back to the big tent for the Senior 6 Graduation. It was very obvious that the full school community were looking forward to this important event with much enthusiasm.

The 90 graduating seniors (a combined group from Bbira and Suubi villages) were dressed in formal attire, which included a graduation gown and mortar board. They assembled outside the Administration Block and once given the OK, walked into the ceremony led by traditional dancers.

The service had a similar structure and feel to the Awards ceremony held in the morning with the exception that the official speeches included reference to life beyond school and included speeches from the Head Boy and Head Girl.

A particular feature of the service was when each graduate received their Certificate. Not only did the Head Teacher and Principal give each a hug (or a very sincere handshake) but the respective Watoto Mama joined their 'son' or 'daughter' in the moment for another hug and official photo. It was obvious that the Mama's are active in the life of their 'child' and extremely proud of their achievements. Their contribution was spoken about in each of the official speeches where the concept that it takes a village to raise a child (and a leader) was stressed.

The service finished with the cutting of Graduation cakes. Award winners distributed pieces of cake to the approving crowd (consisting of Watoto Mama's, Special Guests, Staff and Students).

Following the formalities, the MC asked seniors and their family and friends to move to an area to the side of the big tent for more casual photos.

At this point we walked down with Hafusa to enjoy a light dinner with her family. Mama Freda had cooked rice, matoke, goats meat, g-nut sauce, greens, cabbage and yams.

After a prayer time as an extended family we drove back to the Jesus House.

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