Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Building at Kyampisi

The past week has seen us working at Kyampisi on the foundation slab for the new Medical Clinic and finishing off the clay brick walls of the new Ministry Centre.

After digging many trenches (with a pick and shovel) we erected a clay brick retaining wall along what will be the edge of the slab (17m x 8m). Due to the fall of the land, at the lowest point, this wall is probably about 12 courses high.

In our final week of building (next week) we will build the necessary reinforcements to the internal trenches before pouring the pillars and laying the foundation slab. We are also planning to build and pour the columns for the elevated slab for the second story of the classroom block - sounds like a busy week to me!

After speaking with Peter about the team's growing frustration with leaving for Kyampisi late in the morning (and working through the hottest part of the day) we trialled an early start on Thursday morning (departing at 7am). It was great to be able to complete about 3 or 4 hours solid work before it become uncomfortably hot. It was also good to return to the Jesus House mid afternoon and not in the early evening as has often been the case.

We plan to keep this arrangement going for the remainder of our stay. It's taken a while to achieve it but it's been worth the wait!

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