Thursday, 18 October 2012

Jiggers from Kyampisi

Over the past few days we've been learning about the 'must have' Kyampisi experience of Jiggers.

Jiggers are a little bit like Scabies. They are little parasites that burrow their way into an unsuspecting foot and lay eggs.
Once they're in the foot, the only way to get them out is to break the skin with something sharp and physically pull them out with a pin.

Apparently Jiggers like to burrow into the soles of your feet and the palms of your hand. I'm told you don't know you have them for about 3 days because it takes this long before you feel them eating your flesh - sounds charming!

Apparently Jiggers live in dust and are found in many places throughout Africa, one of which is Kyampisi. The safest way to ensure you don't pick up Jiggers is to wear shoes, preferably closed-in shoes.

Suffice to say, we're all wearing closed-in shoes when we visit Kyampisi this afternoon for Bible study (which I'm taking).

1 comment:

  1. Youchies! I'm glad we don't have jiggers in Australia. Sounds more than a little unpleasant. Methinks shoes and socks for the Bensley family in future? And no U-turns at the roundabout, either!
