Monday, 22 October 2012

Sickness in the family

The past 72 hours has seen us all come down with sickness to varying degrees.

It all started with Sonia who has been feeling poorly for most of the week - while she wasn't actually vomiting, she's certainly felt unwell.

Next was Eli, who came down with vomiting and diarrhea on Thursday morning - we think he may have caught something out at Kyampisi.

Next was Lydia, who came down with vomiting and diarrhea on Thursday night - she probably caught this from Eli.

Next was Hannah who came down with vomiting and diarrhea last night.

Finally I (Mark) came down with diarrhea last night. To be honest, I've never had so many visits to the toilet in one night (I stopped counting at about 20). It was one of those nights when you need to either laugh or cry!

Thankfully it seems we're all getting stronger - but it's been a difficult few days. Last night was particularly trying as the toilet was at a premium all night.
I don't think we've ever had a night like that before in our marriage. I was pleased that the toilet didn't pack it in!

Sonia was amazing in her support of us all last night. She must have thought she was on night shift at the local hospital!

Unfortunately I wasn't able to preach at Kyampisi this morning. I'm praying that I'll be sufficiently improved tomorrow to be able to address the local Ministers Fraternal meeting at 11am in Kampala.

1 comment:

  1. Oh nooooos. Sending get well hugs to all of you. If all else fails, and you're still setting up residence in the toilet, perhaps you could test the charcoal theory... Apparently you nibble charcoal for diarrhoea. Mayhaps George knows where you could find some charcoal...

    We hope you're all feeling heaps better soon. Can't be fun!
