Today (Tuesday) saw us drive to Sanyu Babies Home in the centre of Kampala. This will be a regular commitment every Tuesday morning from 7.30am.
When we arrived, I was asked to strip the cots and re-make them with clean sheets and blankets. After this, I hung out bucket-fulls of clean clothes and sheets. Honestly the lines were 20 meters long and there were at least 6 of them!
While I was doing this Sonia, Hannah and Lydia were cleaning, changing and feeding about 25 babies - in an assembly line fashion! Eli was just in awe of so many babies and couldn't really understand why we were there. One of Sonia's quotes for the day, "I've never seen so much baby poo" and "I'm glad they issued me with plastic gloves".
After doing all this, we enjoyed about an hour just playing with the babies and toddlers. They were very cute and very cuddly!
When we got back to the car, we realised that it wouldn't start. Peter organised for a taxi to pick us up. As Ugandan taxis are mini buses and accommodate 12 passengers, we had heaps of room to spread out.
We drove home via Garden City Shopping Complex. We bought some more Rwenzori water and some snacks.
Well done Marky Mark! Xo