Saturday, 13 October 2012

Project Update

So far we've allocated funds to the following projects with KCM:

1. laying the ground floor slab for three primary classrooms at the new Kyampisi International Christian School
2. erecting a corrugated tin roof on the multi-purpose ministry centre
3. purchasing teacher resources for the current Kyampisi school
4. building a well for the Kyampisi community
5. purchasing a front door for the church, a lockable door for the church office and resources for the Jesus House
6. repairing a few issues with the KCM 4WD.

While some of these projects will be completed over the next 4-6 weeks, others have already been finalised.

There are a number of other projects that we are still negotiating with KCM. These include:

1. laying the slab for the new Medical Clinic being established on the adjoining block to the new school.
2. establishing business ventures with members of the Kyampisi community.
3. mentoring the current teaching staff and developing administrative systems with the current Headmistress.
4. cooking with local families.

We are also planning to work with Watoto (in their schools and babies homes) and link up with Gideons International and the local branch of the Association of Christian Schools International.

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